Beberapa hari ni ada dengar satu lagu dekat IKIM . Kalau malam-malam, Dj Abang Faiz selalu pasang lagu ni. Sedap juga lagu tu. Lirik pun best. Ingat single terbaru Maher Zain, rupanya bukan. Patut la suara tak sama pun dengan Maher Zain, tapi ada iras-iras sikit. Ada la satu malam ni, masa Dj Abang Faiz putar lagu ni, dia cakap penyanyi kelahiran Malaysia yang nyanyi, tapi tak sempat nak dengar nama penyanyinya. Baru tadi tahu siapa yang nyanyi.
Tajuk lagu tu Don't Forget Allah, nyanyian Farid Sanullah. Rupanya Farid ni lahir dekat Kuala Lumpur. Masa umur dia 3 bulan, dia dan keluarganya berpindah ke Australia sebab ayah dia bekerja sebagai akauntan di sana. Jadi dia tak pandai cakap Melayu macam mak dan ayah dia la. Farid ni berketurunan Pakistan.
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Ni la Farid Sanullah tu ^_^ |
Ni lirik lagu yang mula dapat tempat di hatiku ^_^
You're down and out
You just can't cope
You wanna shout
You lost all hope
On your knees
Begging please
You turn and pray
To find your way
Hey you make Do'a
Allah's there
Whoever you are
'Cos he cares
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
Lets flashback
Lets backtrack
To a time
Like yours and mind
The story of the three
Who longed to be
To be free
Of their misery
Hey to the one poor
He opened the doors
Gave him plenty
Of his bounty
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
Can't you see
His promise to you
Can't you see
His promise is true
Hold on to the rope of Allah
Don't lose hope in Allah
If you remember Allah
In prosperity
He'll not forsake you
In adversity
Be mindful of Allah
He'll guide you
To all that is good
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
You're down and out
You just can't cope
You wanna shout
You lost all hope
On your knees
Begging please
You turn and pray
To find your way..
You just can't cope
You wanna shout
You lost all hope
On your knees
Begging please
You turn and pray
To find your way
Hey you make Do'a
Allah's there
Whoever you are
'Cos he cares
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
Lets flashback
Lets backtrack
To a time
Like yours and mind
The story of the three
Who longed to be
To be free
Of their misery
Hey to the one poor
He opened the doors
Gave him plenty
Of his bounty
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
Can't you see
His promise to you
Can't you see
His promise is true
Hold on to the rope of Allah
Don't lose hope in Allah
If you remember Allah
In prosperity
He'll not forsake you
In adversity
Be mindful of Allah
He'll guide you
To all that is good
Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!
You're down and out
You just can't cope
You wanna shout
You lost all hope
On your knees
Begging please
You turn and pray
To find your way..
Ni pula Official Music Video. Siap ada Fauziah Nawawi berlakon dalam ni. Wonder juga la, macam mana boleh ada Fauziah Nawi dalam video klip ni. Mungkin ayah Farid ni minat lakonan Fauziah Nawi, then invite dia untuk berlakon dalam klip video ni ^_^ Enjoy
Jadi, sebagai Muslim yang beriman, kita wajib ingat Allah setiap hari dan setiap masa kan.
" Maka ingatlah kepada-Ku, Aku pun akan ingat kepadamu. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku, dan jangalah kamu ingkar kepada-Ku." (Al-Baqarah: 152)
Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah ra.ia berkata:
Rasulullah saw. Bersabda: Allah Taala Berfirman: Aku sesuai dengan persangkaan hamba-Ku terhadap-Ku dan Aku selalu bersamanya ketika dia mengingat-Ku. Apabila dia mengingat-Ku dalam dirinya, maka aku pun akan meningatnya dalam diri-Ku. Apabila dia mengingat-Ku dalam suatu jemaah manusia, maka Aku pun akan mengingatnya dalam suatu kumpulan makhluk yang lebih baik dari mereka. Apabila dia mendekati-Ku sejengkal, maka Aku akan mendekatinya sehasta. Apabila dia mendekati-Ku sehasta, maka Aku akan mendekatinya sedepa. Dan apabila dia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan, maka Aku akan datang kepadanya dengan berlari.
p/s: Don't forget Allah ^_^
Thankz 4 your info girlz..
Thankz 4 your info girlz..
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